Work package 3

The new roles of men and women and implications for families and societies

Co-leaders:  Rudolf Richter (Vienna Univ.) & Irena Kotowska (SGH)

The general objective of this work package is to address the complex interplay between the new roles of women and men and the diversity of family life courses in contemporary Europe. It also aims to shed more light on the impact of different policy contexts on new constructions of gender in doing family.


Participating partners:

Stockholm University (SU)
Institut National D’etudes Demographiques (INED)
University of Vienna (UNIVIE)
Collegio Carlo Alberto (CCA)
Tallinn University (TU)
Babeş-Bolyai University (BBU)
German Youth Institute (DJI)
University of Leuven (K.U.LEUVEN)
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
University of Lausanne (UNIL)
University of Padova – Department of Statistical Sciences (UNIPD)
Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)
Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA TK)